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Thank you for your interest in joining us! For additional questions, please contact Josh Gall at
[email protected]
and stay tuned for more info!
CBDNA Drill Writing Intensive
Please provide us with the below information to reserve your spot.
First Name
Last Name
E-mail address
Athletic Conference
Please tell us what level of Pyware user you are.
ex. Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
How Many Years Have You Used Pyware?
What Version of Pyware Are You Currently On?
What skills would you like help with building or refining in your Pyware workflow?
ex. Building animations, Understanding the traditional tools better, etc.
Our first session will begin Tuesday night at 6pm. Will you be able to attend beginning then? If not, when do you plan to arrive at the conference hotel?
Dedicated sessions BEFORE the conference begins. Tuesday May 30 - 6-8pm and Wednesday May 31 - 9am-12pm, 1:30-4:30pm